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Problem posting

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2023 10:08 pm
by Jim_in_RP
On several occasions while trying to post a new subject here, it totally disappears and I'm unable to find it again. It usually disappears when I go to a different website to get information for my post. When I try to get back to my post. I can no longer find it. It disappears completely like it never happened. Well, when it disappears, I usually get disappointing and forget about trying to rewrite it after I already spent more time than I want to talk about writing that partial post. Every time that happens I learn the lesson that I learned several times prior. That if I go anywhere away from my new half written post, I need to copy it so when I get back to it and it's not there all I have to do is paste it back in. Trouble being, I keep forgetting to copy it before I go to another website. That's when I say to hell with it and just forget I even tried. That situation just occurred. I was trying to inform you guys that I had found a developmental editor. Hopefully, I'll be working with this developmental editor in the very near future.
I'll be trying to keep you guys informed on how it's going as long as I can keep my post from disappearing. ;) :cry:

Re: Problem posting

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:46 am
by PHPaul
Lots of times, if you're writing a post and leave the site before submitting it, you'll lose it.

As you've noted, either copy what you've written or submit what you have before going to another site.

Alternatively, if you need to go to another site to check something, you can open another window in your browser, leaving your "work in progress" live in the first window.

And Good Luck with your new publishing contact!