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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 11:20 pm
by Jim_in_RP
I'm toying with the idea of applying for Amazon prime card.
I really don't like the idea of another credit card. I already have two cards from my bank in Alaska, one visa credit card, and one visa debit card. I would really like to hear your experience with Amazon prime, good or bad.
Right now I pay my Visa card every month in full, but I still pay a money conversion fee to change anything I buy in pesos to dollars which is 2%. Other than that conversion fee, I don't pay anything I just have to pay it off in full every month which I do.
As far as the Amazon prime card, I'm interest in what it cost you to use your Amazon card.


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:13 am
by PHPaul
I have one that I ONLY use for Amazon purchases. I pay it off in full every month as it's a Chase card and the interest is stupid.

The only reason I even have it is for the 5% back on Amazon purchases.

And speaking of Amazon, I will NOT be renewing my Prime membership that I've had for years. It's become completely worthless. There is no such thing as 2-day shipping anymore and it's been months since there was anything worth watching on Prime Video.

Their prices are (generally) only fair-to-middlin' but I do use them quite a lot because it saves me driving 100 miles round trip and dicking around looking for a store that carries what I want. This is especially true for modeling tools and supplies.


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:38 am
by Bkeepr
Jim, to be clear, you do NOT have to have the Prime card to have Prime! We don’t.

We have had Prime for years, initially because of the shipping. Every year we question whether or not it is worth it, but so far we continue…almost entirely because of the convenience. My wife still price checks almost everything everywhere else before buying, but I like being able to find something I need in a hurry and have it delivered in a day or two without any real effort or driving anywhere. I only price check or comparison shop if it is a bigger purchase.


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:29 pm
by GeneMO
Yes, What Beekeeper said !!



Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:55 pm
by Okierob
I cancelled my Amazon prime but still have the Amazon card. I use it for fuel purchases because it gives 2% or 3% back , I can't remember which. I pay all my cards off in full every month.
Pennies add up on the Amazon account and I apply them on Amazon purchases.