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First project with old Marquette stick welder

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 6:30 am
by Bkeepr
I finally got the nerve to start, and replaced the ends on the lift bars on my Ferguson TO-30 tractor. I cut off the ends, beveled them, and (because I was more confident with it) used my 110 volt wire feed welder to tack the new ends in place. Got to use my new Harbor Freight welding table to keep the pieces aligned. Finally, I dragged out the Marquette and used 3/32” 7018 rod to attach the ends solidly. I would make a pass on one side, chip slag and turn it over, and weld the other side, then do the other bar the same way. Total of four passes on each side filled it all in. It LOOKS really good, but only time and use will tell.

Thanks for all the helpful advice, guys. I wouldn’t even have bought the welder much less tried this without you!

Re: First project with old Marquette stick welder

Posted: Sat May 20, 2023 4:03 pm
by PHPaul
Sounds like you did it right. Pix?

I'm struggling with trying to TIG some 3/16ths stainless steel rod together. Main problem is not being able to see what I'm doing between old eyes and lens fogging up. Being a shaky old fart ain't helping either.

Bought a new TIG torch in hopes that a different gas lens and smaller tungsten will help.

Re: First project with old Marquette stick welder

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 8:15 am
by Bkeepr
no, was in a hurry trying to get first cutting of hay in the same days I was welding so didn't bother taking any. And now the weld is under a coat of primer and top-coat, so there's nothing to see. I wish I had taken before and afters, though...

Not being able to do stuff because of eyes/shakes is sure frustrating. "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" sure has many accurate meanings, but that's the one I think of almost daily anymore. I'm always looking for work-arounds and aids to help me do things I used to be able to well, but can't do very well anymore. Getting old ain't for sissies!